Our Placement

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Our Placement

Choice of Companies: Kabir Institute of Management & Technology invites the best recruiters in the market during the placement season covering various sectors such as Core Engineering, IT, Finance, Consulting, Automobiles, PSUs, etc. The sheer diversity of recruiters across all domains and the extensive participation of overseas companies.

Once you have been selected for a job interview, it’s important to prepare properly. Your preparation for an interview, and your performance in the interview, are crucial to your career prospects. The impression you make starts from the moment you meet the interviewer(s) until the moment you say goodbye.

It can be easier holding out for more money when you’re in the process of being offered a job than trying to get a raise when you actually have one. If the job is really your dream role, you might find you’re willing to be more flexible. However, one must always try and assess the situation and be prepared to take the right decision

For Svimst, I warmly welcome you and your regarded association to partake in Campus Recruitments Drive for understudies of Amity Passing Out in the Year 2015.

If there should arise an occurrence of any elucidation or for any help please don’t hesitate to contact me, I would be glad to support you.